Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday 12 April 2010

Monday morning, no matter how you see it i'm convinced that there are just far too many Mondays in a year. Even the name, Monday, strikes fear into the very core of my being.
But that aside...
Today was pretty uneventful as things go, I went to Springs with Sharon to update the profiles of the inncubatees from the Lepharo project ( Check out )
They seem to be a little more relaxed about the situation there, now realising that it's pretty much all on them to succeed, we just there to give some guidance and assist with any problems they have... but we are not there to baby them...It's finally sinking in.
Speaking to them today, though, i felt intense sympathy for them all, The project gives them a monthly salary of R500 or so, this covers their transport, food, and any other expense that they have! Thats nothing! Could you do that? Some of them have children and families to support, it's bordering on tragic!
And here i am complaining about the fact that I dislike Mondays on principle.. These guys are struggling to get work on a Monday! Puts your problems into perspective, no?
On that note.....
Until tomorrow!

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