Monday, February 22, 2010

22 Feb 2010

I don't have much to report on for today, my Friday was spent editing and uploading new profiles for the Ratanda and Sharpeville intakes, Today is pretty much the same.
The final names and profiles of the selected entrepreneurs from these areas have to be added to our website ( ) each intake gets their own personal page that we can edit and modify as their training and businesses progress, you can follow the growth of an individual business as it's uploaded! It's a slow job of 'copy and paste' but the new Ratanda profiles should be completed by tuesday evening. The first programme starts in the first week of March, it will be interesting to see how the guys we have selected will do! All the details of the training and everything that happens after will be documented right here! Keep viewing the blog as things start to take off in the following months...

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