Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday 7 Dec

I didn’t want to wake up this morning, after an awesome weekend away at the farm the idea of work was disturbing. This is now the third time I’m writing this blog entry, the first time the internet decided to not publish or save my work, the second time the laptop decided to just die on me. It must be a Monday thing. Oh well. The day started off gradually, I started by making a few calls to confirm the attendance of our crafters for tomorrows workshop in Norwood. Once that was done we decided to check out the venue, Spark Gallery. Stress. Nothing seems to have been done to accommodate our crafters! We couldn’t get hold of anyone from the building who we’d met on Thursday; all cell phones seem to be off on Mondays. What we’ve decided to do is use tomorrow’s workshop as a means to assess everyone’s level of skill and see who pitches up. In our minds, we’d like to only start the assessments tomorrow, then continue in January as the Vuvuzelas and Makarapas are only due in February. So, doing the entire workshop now instead of closer to the time could prove to be a pointless expense (You know how people tend to forget what they’ve learnt over a holiday? We wanna avoid that scenario) But we’ll wait and see what happens tomorrow and take it from there. We met with Gordon Froud (UJ Lecturer and renowned artist) to go over some ideas He’s come up with for the workshop, He’s got some really cool designs for the Vuvuzelas and Makarapas, I’m excited to see what we go with and how they turn out! All that’s left to do now is hold thumbs and hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow so we can get the ball rolling!!

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