Monday, January 25, 2010


Hey guys! I've been having internet problems recently at the place where I'm staying, but, from the end of this month I'll be living in my own place, finally and will have decent internet access. So! Sorry about the delay in everything, I'm happy to announce that our site has been launched, yoou can check it out at tons of great hand crafted products and some insight into what it is we are doing for S.A

On another note, the names of the first intake into the Vuka Mentorship Programme have arrived! BUT...If you want to check them out your'e gonna have to visit
show a little interest in Africa! The site contains profiles of the selected few, personal info on the people, not the businesses, more are coming! Things are taking off in a big way, today i accompanied Sharon Reed to a meeting with Mr. Jan Hollenbach, MD for the Maccauvlei Learning Academy. These guys are on board with us all the way, providing us with the facilities and means for the programme while running the courses. I'll be blogging soon on an interview held with him at his offices. The course starts at the end of February, giving us limited time to put the last pieces in place, this is just the beggining! So, check out those sites, as always, we are eager to hear from you! Until Tomorrow!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

21 Jan 2010

Myself and Hanolet left this morning to Sharpeville to interview some of the people who we accepted for the first intake into the Vuka Mentorship programme, Unfortunately we're experiencing some problems launching the Buygerine site, sorry for the delay! However you can view the first of the profiles on . Tomorrow im back in Heidelberg to get more profiles and pictures, hopefully our site will be opperational!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 jan 2010

hey there! Today was an office day, Sharon and Hanolet came by and we discussed things coming up and projects to date, the first intake for the Vuka Mentorship programme has been finalised! I will be recieving the list of names tomorrow so you can check it out then! Our website,, should be up and running by tomorrow night so please, check it out! Let us know what you think about it! My day consisted of touching up the profiles, beautifying and checking the functionality of the site for release tomorrow. I personally feel that things are moving forward, it's a good feeling! Check out the Blog tomorrow and find out whats happening!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was great, we started off by going through to Ratanda and I started taking details from a few of the crafters and business people we've been dealing with, as im creating personal profiles on them so we can keep track of everyone! We interviewed around 5 people all with interesting stories, hopes and aspirations! Once we where done we left Ratanda and drove to Rosebank for a meeting with Gordon Froud at his gallery, we got to see the finished Vuvuzelas from last years workshop, they look great and the guys have come up with some awesome ideas, so far the month has been going well, our new site will be up and running in just a few days so check it out!! As always, I’d love to hear any comments you have, so feel free!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

14 Jan 2010

Hey there! Let me start off by welcoming the new year! 2010 promises to be full of new challenges and rewards. It’s already been a crazy year and we’re only a week or so in! Unfortunately I haven’t been back to any of the communities from last years blog entries, everyone’s still getting into the swing of things apparently. However, I’ve been allocated the task of web creation and am currently building a website for Tangerine Marketing ( A branch of Neosho Trading ) which has been keeping me busy and pretty damn frustrated for the past few days. Today I was allowed out for some fresh air though, we headed to Pretoria to meet up with Hanolet Uys, a partner from Neosho, where we went through the applications and entries of entrepreneurs from last year and selected 25 of the most promising and qualified applicants. Sadly out of these 25 we only expect around half to successfully complete the training. Obviously we’d love to be optimistic and ensure everyone a pass, but that’s not the reality of it and we have to be realistic, don’t we! I’ll be getting a bit more personal this year with interviews and a look inside the lives of the people we work alongside as we continue on our journey to make S.A a better place, or at the very least a place with less unemployment!! Here’s to 2010 and all the things we aim to achieve!